3 home improvements that can lower your tax bill

3 home improvements that can lower your tax bill

General home improvement projects don’t usually help homeowners when tax time rolls around. But there are a few home improvements that entitle homeowners to tax breaks. With a few weeks left in the year, you still have some time…

Your Guide to Homebuying for Tipped Employees

Your Guide to Homebuying for Tipped Employees

Plenty of individuals depend on tips to support some or all of their earnings. This trend is especially prominent in the service and hospitality sectors, where millions of Americans work and rely on gratuities as a significant part of…

Everything You Need to Know About Mortgage Insurance

Everything You Need to Know About Mortgage Insurance

Putting together enough money for a down payment on a home isn’t easy. For many people—and especially for many first-time homebuyers—scraping together the traditional 20% down payment may feel next to impossible. Luckily, would-be homeowners without loads of money…

Do you Understand Your Monthly Mortgage Bill?

Do you Understand Your Monthly Mortgage Bill?

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t read your monthly mortgage statement too carefully. Perhaps you double-check the statement from your mortgage lender for the exact dollar amount due when it’s time to write out the check for…

person doing home improvement

5 Tips for New Homeowners

Owning a new home is exciting! But home maintenance is time-consuming. New first-time homeowners usually find themselves facing expenses they didn’t have to worry about in their previous lives as renters. As a new homeowner, you’ve just committed to…